Danish-born soprano
"Music is more than sound,
it is the voice of love,
of consciousness, the truth
that feeds our spirit
and connects us to that
which is beyond boundaries"
~ Victoria Gydov ~
"Let the song of your heart be the sweet melody we hear, and your spirit a light to guide the way."
~ Victoria Gydov ~
Special Message from Victoria on September 11, 2023: "I am exceptionally happy, blessed and honoured to have been invited to move forward to the semi-finals of Classical Crossover Magazine’s 1st-ever, 2023 Crossover Star Competition! Thank you so much to Natasha Barbieri and everyone at Classical Crossover Magazine for their amazing invitation, for believing in me, and to Key Clef Productions for their kind support of all of us artists and for sponsoring this lovely event! Thank you all so very much for your kind, beautiful and encouraging words, votes and support!! I truly appreciate it, and you all, and very much hope to be able to share even more wonderful news moving forward! Love, For Always, Victoria"
Victoria is writing and recording exciting new songs and collaborating with musicians and producers, and is planning to release a beautiful video and original crossover single soon, plus planning her long-anticipated, Solo Debut album, working on upcoming concerts, having fun with creative photo shoots, and seeking unique opportunities in Canada and abroad to share her love of music with others...wherever her dreams and faith may lead!